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I didn't know if I should post this here or at the Mastering forum. It's pretty much a bottom feeder question :) !
I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results. However, I often have to give clients a finished product that won't go out to be mastered. I am thinking of getting a software package to take care of a little "mastering" here in my studio for such occasions. I already run Digital Performer on my G3 mac. I was thinking of getting either Spark or Peak for 2 track editing and Adaptec Jam for CDR burning.
Would this setup work for my situation?
Should I buy a Windows PC and get Sound Forge or Wavelab?
I like the editing and DAO burning capabilities of Sonic Foundry's CD Architect and Steinberg's Wavelab. Is there a similar product for the Mac platform?
Should I just go lurk on the Mastering forum?
Thanks in advance for your help.



Jon Best Wed, 06/20/2001 - 19:07

Apparently not many of the Mac applications want to bother with CDROM driver compatibility, and most require an export to a Cd burning program. I don't know what your budget is, but here's an approach that is starting to work for me;

buy/build a decent PC, with a digital IO card. Stick Wavelab 3.0 (my absolute favorite for mastering) in it, and buy a good set of speakers that's different from your studio monitors. Stick these in a different room, and get that room sounding good- lots of bass trapping if it's little, but not as dead as you might want a mixing room- think idealized living room. Then, just spend a lot of time in there listening, and do a lot of comparing to similar CD's. I think this is a much better approach than trying to master in the same room, on the same speakers as you mix with.

Oh, and buy at least the Waves Native Power Pack 1 and 2- best bang for the buck you're going to find in plugins.

Originally posted by Bob:
I didn't know if I should post this here or at the Mastering forum. It's pretty much a bottom feeder question :) !
I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results. However, I often have to give clients a finished product that won't go out to be mastered. I am thinking of getting a software package to take care of a little "mastering" here in my studio for such occasions. I already run Digital Performer on my G3 mac. I was thinking of getting either Spark or Peak for 2 track editing and Adaptec Jam for CDR burning.
Would this setup work for my situation?
Should I buy a Windows PC and get Sound Forge or Wavelab?
I like the editing and DAO burning capabilities of Sonic Foundry's CD Architect and Steinberg's Wavelab. Is there a similar product for the Mac platform?
Should I just go lurk on the Mastering forum?
Thanks in advance for your help.



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