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I am recently attempting to building my bedroom studio to record mainly vocal and acoustic guitar. The path of bedroom studio seems hard to me at this moment, but I believe it will go smoothly the more I learn :)
Back to the topic, in order to start the bedroom studio, I have already bought 2 equipments which is:
AI: M-Audio ProFire 610
and I am using MacBook Pro as the working platform, then I plan to use Logic Pro as DAW.
And I know there are more equipments that I need to buy as following:
Monitor Speaker (Too expensive, so I would probably leave that later)
Closed back Headphoned (Any suggestion? AKG? Sennheiser? I hope for below $90)
Midi Controller (Any suggestion?)
Mixer (I guess I won't need to have one at this moment)
Is there anything I have missed ?
Anyone can provide me suggestion and comment :) Thank you very much!


Boswell Thu, 12/30/2010 - 05:33

Wow! I guess for your bedroom studio you have spent so much on Logic Pro that you don't have a lot of cash left for equipment, let alone a bed.

Are you aiming to put down the guitar track first and then dub your vocals over the top? If so, you will certainly need the closed-back headphones for monitoring during the tracking. You don't need a mixer - Logic Pro covers that function.