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Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 2GB and a new Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

Hi Guys,
Sorry about the langauge in the tittleo_O:mad:

I have just spent a small fortune on upgrading my little home studio most on the recording side but also on the photography side.
I bought 2 BenQ Designer Monitors for my photo editing, but also because they look so great when in Samplitude:)

Stereo vs Mono Di ? Stereo bleeding ?

Hi gang,
I'm looking to step up the quality of Di I own and since like always I don't want to spend too much. I'm thinking of buying a stereo DI instead of 2 mono.
This could be the one I choose : Radial ProD2 Passive 2 Channel Direct Box
My concern is, could there be bleeding between the channels if I put 2 completely different sources instead of a stereo source ?

Universal Audio Ships Arrow Desktop Audio Interface For Music Creators

When I think of what I had to use in the 80's, like the Tascam Portastudio, then see this... (y) How cool.
Today's musicians have no excuse, so much more in-terms of producing "good enough" quality when it comes to being able to get affordable recording systems.

Look at this brilliant product from UA.