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Recording Music Using a Multitrack Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder

The subject of our next webinar, on aspects of tape and reel-to-reel recorders, is recording using a multitrack tape recorder. From 4 to 24 tracks tape is back in the studio, so we at Reel Resilience thought we'd better talk about it! More information about the webinar, who we are at Reel Resilience and how to book, can be found here.

Remove music from live audio stream, leaving just voices - possible?

Greetings. I'm looking for a filter or tool that can remove the music from a live video source (e.g., a NASA broadcast), while leaving the voices and non-musical noises. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs to remove/mute enough of the music to avoid triggering YouTube's copyright detection, and not mess up the voices too much.

API releases new "Select" line of gear

Looks like API is offering up some new gear models, including a tube pre, and tube compressor. I was surprised how "reasonable" the prices were, and am particularly interested in the stereo 4 band, parametric equalizer.  Not sure how they sound but API knows good audio, so my expectations are that they are good.

check em out at their site.