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OK, so I'm trying to set up the "studio" into something that I'll be able to use easily for a while to come, and I'm thinking seriously about investing in a patchbay setup.

As a preamble, I'm not new to patching. Back when I was a live guy I lived on a Gamble EX56, which had a very compete, altho flaky, patchbay that was indispensable with the double wide FOH rack we had.

Fat32 or NTFS(?)

Quick question. I read the Win2000 optimization guide. From that I think the OS hardrive gets formatted NTFS(?) and the sound drive gets FAT32. The harddrives are Deskstar 120gxps. Tring to format the sound drive FAT32. I keep getting errors that say the volume is too big. Does Fat32 have some limitation? The drives are 40gig.

Hybrid recording

A lot of people seem to love the analog vs digital battle but I wonder how many people record with a hybrid set-up like I have. Since I started with a 1/2" 8 track room in 1989 and then went digital in 1993 I decided to keep as much of the old gear in service when appropriate. For example, I like to track drums and guitars to tape.