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Direct Input Guitar - iMac - suggestions?

hello, I have written music for awhile in the pop/rock format and would like to finally record them all and be done with them so to speak. I was hoping there was some way to record all the guitar and bass tracks to all the songs ( around 100 songs ) through direct input and then allow my voice to get stronger over the next year or so before doing the vocals.

Need opinion on reverb

I've been messin around with recording as a hobby all my life. I've been using a Tascam 244 PortaStudio and Cakewalk 6.0 on my computer, and have come into a little bit of cash. I want to set up a semi vintage analog studio in my basement, and have my eye on an MCI JH-24 2" 24 track, and an MCI 600 series console that a studio I know is selling cause their going out of business.

Temperature effect on mic frequency response?

Is it possible that mic frequency response can vary with the temperature of the microphone? I recently used two Shure KSM-32 mics, that had been inadvertently stored at around 50 degrees F, to record a grand piano. These mics are generally pretty useful for the piano but the results in this case seemed better than usual.