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recording mixer

hi, I am planing to buy a mixing console for my project studio. I would like to have nice mic preamps, great EQs, and nice sound qualitues around $1000. I am currently looking at soundcraft M series, yet I haven't made up my mind yet. please let me know what would be my possible choice. thanx

noise problem

I am having problems with noise ! My recording is on vocal tracer dictation. Recording (man speach interview) has a lot of noise, so I am wondering would be the Digidesigns BNR noise reduction or Ionizer good to solve the problem. If any body knows how to use this noise reductions plugins please let me know what is the best setup, or what shuld I use for clean this ugly noise!

Simple line mixers other than Speck?

Still searching for the affordable durable quality mixer setup, needs to be muy portable. I need good quality mic preamps, which may not come with a mixer meeting the other criteria, so I'm looking at line mixers. The Speck looks like a class act, but way too many little awkward concentric knobs and cramped controls. Amazing routing possibilities.

Mixing better bass

Any body have any tips on carving out a nice, tight, punchy bottom end during Mastering? Is it a function of EQ? Multi-band compression? Both? Something else?

Also, regarding M/B Compression:
How do different attack/release settings affect the different freq. bands?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.