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Mic Check?

Yo, i get this sick hum from my speakers when i turn the mic on. Is it the mic or my computer? I get the same sound coming from my pc speakers and it's leaking into my recordings creating an awefull sound during each recording. It's a definate can't miss me out..holla back.

Anyone using the Daking compressor?

Doing alternative rock stuff. I was thinking of trying a pair of distressors on the 2-bus. I already use one on kick and snr. The (compress the sh*t out of them and blend routine).Course I'd have to run a tone to make sure they are matched. That can be a PITA. Was looking for a good 2-bus compressor. Thought the Daking might be cool. Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

XP and Nuendo

Hi? I'm using Nuendo 1.52 unda Win XP Pro, I've gone from Win 2k Pro to dis new setup. Should I go bak? are there any big differences between the 2 Os's? And are there any tweaks to COMPLETELY get this XP OS ready for Nuendo and audio recording? Holla bak if u wanna know more.

Best Signal Flow For Mastering?

My thanks for the "welcome" and the "tips". The part I like about the "new" scene (for me anyway) is that since we all have to wear so many hats it's created the need for a more familial community. I used to just do my job and go home. Now I AM home... and it's all my job!

For those of you that may have missed my initial message here it is in it's lengthy entirety...