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sound difference between Urei 1176 and Urei 1178

Can anybody tell me what's the difference in sound between the Urei 1176 and 1178?(I know, the 1178 is stereo) I think there are only silverface 1178 around. Is there an difference like with the 1176 blackface/silverface? Is there something in serial-numbers that's important? Is the four- Buttons-In-Trick working with the 1178.
Hope somebody can help me.

Last pair of new NS10s on Earth

Hey all, I just wanted to share with you that I found what is probably one of the last pairs of new NS10s.

The lil' fellas arrived today to join the pack of NS10s and spare tweeters and woofers here, ready to face a future of scarcity in these things.

So, who loves ya, baby?

I'm sure we're all curious, so just for the record here, let's see a show of hands...

No Output?

I'm at my friends and we just hooked up a M Audio Delta 44 card. We can see signal on the Cubase monitor mixer. But i can't hear any output...a couple of times we did, but then it went away. We found a SB card and ethernet on the same IRQ as the Delta...would that cause it to have no output?


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