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preamps for vocals

Just wondering what you guys are using. I just realized today I've been using the same two for the last 9 years(Neve 1073 or Api 312). Once in a while I tried different things(Manley,Fearn,Avalon,Focusrite), but its funny I always come back to these two. I guess I was wondering if you had the same experience.

Balanced vs. . UnBalanced: Question


I don't mean to bring up an elementary topic, but can someone go into an explanation of Balanced vs Unbalanced inputs/cables and what the difference is? For example, I am going to try to patch my 24 channel mixer to a bay but I am not sure what cables to use and if it will make a difference at all.

I appreciate everyone's comments.


warm up exercise for the vocalist

A singer I know and respect has suggested, as a warm up exercise for the vocalist I work with, 30 seconds. . barking. I am to join in as well. So that we both feel silly, freeded up and the stomach gets relaxed (v.important for performance). It also takes the pressure off the singer if I do it too. I think it's a good idea.

I'll try it this week and let you know how it goes.

Soundscape Ramping up

Tech support calls and emails are beginning to come in. This can be challenging -- Soundscape still supports the product that got them started in '93 (who else does that?) so it may take some research on my part to get answers to more obscure questions, but I'm determined to deliver excellent support as always (and besides, I like a challenge!)


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