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CD Burning Software?

I am looking for some good software to burn Red Book quality CDs suitable for duplication (that's assuming that we produce anything that is good enough! :) )

I use Sound Forge 5.0 as my stereo editing software, and unfortunately, they no longer sell or support CD Architect.

I am currently using Easy CD Creater Pro, v. 5.0, but I don't think it supports Red Book standards.

When is a mix done?

I'm mixing stuff in pro tools and I can never seem to come to a stopping point. Normally after the first mix I'll burn a CD and take it home and come back and fix whatever mistakes I pick up on a bunch of different systems. The only problem is that I keep coming back and doing stuff and overproccess everything and in the end the first rough sounds the best.

Why Digi are dragging their feet & what the new PT w

From EQ mag - Re OSX - "the switch is more than a matter of porting code over to the new OS. Digidesign's Pro Tools, for example, doesn't just operate as a software layer on top of the system - it addresses proprietary hardware, too. "OS X 10.1 addresses the hardware, Brown says, "Whereas under OS 9, the apps address the hardware directly. The new audio system is device-class compliant.


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