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Word clock cable length?

OK, I am getting a Lucid Genx-6, to use as a word clock source for two PC's running hammerfalls, a Yamaha AW4416, and external converters.

My question is, should all the cables from the Genx-6 be the same length (in which case they would all have to be 3 metres), or can I have different lengths varying from 50cm or 1 metre, up to three metres?


Backup Solutions

I've thought about purchasing two HDs, and having them mirror each other. Has anyone tried this; I'm worried about it hogging cpu time while recording, etc. It seems to me that mirroring my audio drive would be an easy back up solution since I record something new very frequently, and the price of HDs falling. If one drive fails I have another one ready to go with minimal down time.

who do you mix for?

Im just now getting into recording other people other than my friends bands and own projects. The project I'm working on now is a full length LP (yes vinyl... no clue why) for a punk rock band. Everything is recorded and now we're mixing and they want to ruin the whole mix. For some reason they hate mids. They want everything "scooped".


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