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overhead mics - Matched pair or not?

Hi there

I've got a question for all of you

Let's say (for example) that you have to record a drumkit and there are only 2 options for the overhead mics.

a) 2 cheap small condensators (identical)

b) 2 expensive large condensators... BUT...
They are not identical, cause one is the "tube-version" of the other... So they sound a bit different.

Embracing Sound Experience

Hello everybody,

I thought I'd make my precence known while letting you know about the new stereo system that's out there.

I had the chance to listen to it at the LLB-exhibition here in Sweden and it's everything they say it is.

The ESE guys will be at the AES show in NY so if you're planning to go, do yourself a favour and listen to it.

can you use CD-RW for audio?

does anyone know if you can use a re-writeable CD (CD-RW) for creating audio CD's? when i'm working on a mix i like to check it on several different systems. it seems like a waste however to sacrifice a complete CD for a single tune each time i want to do this. is it possible to use CD-RW media to create an audio CD that is readable by a consumer CD player?


Hi there,
I'm trying to understand why a good C12 sounds the way it does. Of course, the main thing is the capsule. From the info I gathered, the contruction was quite complicated and involved many parts and a lot of precision work to get it right. Even if consistency from sample to sample wasn't great, most old CK12 capsules were/are certainly better than AKG's own modern CK12.


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