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Delay Applications

I'd love to hear what people are doing with delays in their mixes.

Personally, I use a lot of slap, and rhythmic values like 8th notes, quarter notes, and half notes. I'm very interested to hear about 'magic delay times' that work well no matter what the tempo is. I think a slap around 124 ms is like that. Other examples?

Mics or mic preamps?

I know, I know, your signal chain is only as strong as your weakest link. But if you were just starting to collect some nice equipment would you go for a couple nice mic preamps maybe an api 3124 and an Avalon or a Great River Neve and use some AT and Oktava condensers with 57's and 421's. Or to get a couple royers and a Neumann or two and use some Mackie pres or something like that.


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