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mixing and mastering WITH PT: RTD via more aux track via internal busses or BTD

on a lynda PT TUTORIAL, the guy there says that the most common way to DOWNmix is bounce to disk, BUT LATER the right way to make mastering is via the internal busing and recording a new track, he pass before recording via 2 aux tracks and use one compressor on first aux step and a limiter on the second aux step, do you share this workflow?

Sounds like it's clipping but all level meters show otherwise. help!


I'm attempting a very simple master with just some EQ, compression and limiting but I've run into a slight problem. Every time I add my limiter to get my track to a good volume, it pops and crackles like the track is clipping. I have a sound metering plugin after each plugin as well as the one on the track itself and nothing is indicating any kind of clipping.

I need some help with my Zoom R16 and Amplitude 3 in my Cubase LE6

I have my R16 plugged into my computer as an audio interface, and I wanna run my guitar through channel one (hi z) and put it through amplitude for distortion. I have my headphones plugged into my R16 in phones out. I hear the guitar I just cant put it through amplitude, nothing changes in the tone and the tuner isn't even picking it up.

Fender Mustang 1 amp - What recording gear?


I am new to the world of recording and looking for some advice. I have just bought a fender mustang 1 amp for the purpose of recording, it came with Ableton live 8 but after messing around with it for 2 days it seems to still not be recording for me, even after reading/seeing loads of tutorials.

Am I looking for a Compressor? Is that right?

I'm currently working on an 8 track project, and there are highs and lows throughout some parts.
Now, what can I do to even out the volume on all my tracks? Is it called Compressor? I believe I read something about Compressor
If so, what Compressors are easy to use, and does anybody have a step by step tutorial/explanation?



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