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Rupert Neve Designs 542 Tape Emulator

Well, not really emulation. Apparently there is a small loop of tape and an actual record and playback head in this thing. So, it's like a small tape saturator. Interesting. At first I thought "this is very cool". Then I thought, at $750 each I could probably by an actual 16 track ATR for the price of just a couple of these(ok, maybe three or four).

Work in progress mix requesting critique

Hello there. I've got a personal track I've been playing with for about a week now, and I'd really appreciate a new set of ears taking a poke at my production. I'm looking for feedback on the overall sound of the mix. Are there any frequencies that stick out too much? Is there an instrument that isn't pronounced as much as you think it should be or vice versa.

less feedback when band is playing

I've notice numerous times in various bar/club type places that the acceptable vocal level when the band is playing, feedsback when the stop. i just ride the fader, or hopefully find an optimal balnce, and gate setting. or turn the monitors down a bit My guess is that all the stage noise is creating some kind of nulling effect and causing cancellation.

Quiet 2 channel field-recorder for nature recording

I have been happily using the Zoom H4N and have recorded lots of wonderful nature sounds, and now I am looking to bump up the quality of my nature field-recordings by buying a field recorder with QUIET preamps .

BUT, unfortunately I don't have the money for one of those kick-butt Sound Devices machines. .