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Hello, I'm new to this forum and I have a question about the Masterlink as a 2 track "master deck". I've read that it is a good unit...I would appreciate any recommendations one way or the other.
I record folk type music (acoustic guitar, mandolin and vocals) to a blackfaced ADAT (my first venture into digital).
Thanks to all who reply!

Digital overs


Okay, here's a question for all you mastering engineers out there. How do you deal with a mix that has a few digital overs? Of course if it's a chorus you can often grab a word or two from another chorus in the mix and paste it in. But what solutions are there otherwise?

has everyone bit - ten the dust


is it beacause of todays 16bit world that I cannot seem to feel the vibe anymore...when analog tape was around I could feel it so it moved I am forced to move to it! masters when you get a demo to master is it usually a CD and you can only do so much to it? do you get a better vibe from reel tapes. what is your preference. is CD ruining my vibe!