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blue light laser


I just read that Sony came out with a blue light lazer burner in japan that will burn 23 gigs single side single layer. holy cow! they state that it will record 4 hours of HD video. Now we can have full resolution audio without any compression. HD video with HD audio on one disc. I think this is great. I also read that by 2007 there will be a 400 gig halographic disc. that's only 4 years away.

Hidden CD track


Hello Folks and thanks for all the help in the past,

Now, a few years ago, I read about hiding tracks on a CD. Specifically as Track Zero, so you can only rewind into it...
I understood it at the time, but now have forgotten everything.

Does anyone know how to hide tracks.
I usually use Toast or Spark XL on Mac, but also have Wavelab and Nero on PC.

A public Thank You to Mike Fossenkemper


Since I came here looking for help in mastering a project, I thought I should let you guys know what a great job Mike Fossenkemper did for me. I’ve always wanted to work on records and with great artists, but it just didn’t happen for me. I work with very small budgets and “we need it yesterday” kind of gigs.



Hi.I have read that after mixing to two tracks, before running the song thru the mastering software you should normalize the whole thing,is this the done thing, also during mastering are there any common compresson settings ie ratio,theshold,attack and release,that you would start at.thanks for any info. Jim. :)



Hi.I have read that after mixing to two tracks, before running the song thru the mastering software you should normalize the whole thing,is this the done thing, also during mastering are there any common compresson settings ie ratio,theshold,attack and release,that you would start at.thanks for any info. Jim.

Normalizing separate tracks before mastering


Hi all, I was wondering about your thoughts on normalizing certain tracks before mastering. What I mean is, though I have some of the equipment, I'm certainly not going to be mastering myself. I don't even want to learn that badly. Really I want to send all my mixes to a professional mastering studio who know what they're doing.