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Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP


Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP

I was "mastering" a Horn band album a few hours ago and then I faced this problem..
My client, the conductor, felt he conducted with a too low bpm.. yes, after almost 6 months of recording/editing/ production's day 01.

Ok, I could do the TC exp to every single track..OH My God...

mastering live taping?


Hi there,
I did a live taping of a JOhn Mayer concert (he permits taping) using a minidisc and stereo mic. I would live to dump it on my Pc and have a shot at making it sound better. Currently it sounds quite boomy in the bottom end (b/c of teh subsin the FOH) and alittle distant. Can you suggest some way of making the recording sound :
1. more upfront

Security Issues


Mastering studios are the places from which the completed CD programs emerge. They are also among the most likely source of pre release leaks.

Do the studios you work at (or run) have any provisions in place to prevent leaking of masters or rough mixes from going on the web for downloads before release dates?

Or do you hope the tracks are put out there to drum up interest?