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Mastering for movies

At early 2003 I finished the tracking, editing and stereo mixing of a short lenght movie. However, it was finally mixed to dolby dts 5.1 at a biiiiiiiiig facility here in Brazil.
When I listened to it at the movies ( ok the sound system was not that grea), it sounded too compressed, I could even listen to noises that were not so apparent at mix time.

Mastering routines

Hi friends!
As soon as you have downloaded, copied or a/d your client masters.. what is generally your first step?
a) clean the bottom, let us say DC to 40 HZ
b) Make the vocals a little bit more apparent
c) correct dull/overbright
d) check mis inconsistences like snare too buried or dull x hihats too bright/dull x too much sibilance..


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