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Is this the new art of mastering music


I got some Cds new and old and I cannot believe sometimes in my ears whith the things I can hear.
I'm talking for Cds like: Evanescence, Anastacia, Chilly Peppers and many other Metal/Harcore Produktions.
No dynamic (the wave looks like a block) and the music distorts. In the beginning I thought that my monitors are dead or something.

What's it worth?


I'm curious how many of you master your own material. If you are an artist making a record do you go out and buy some mastering software and try and do it to the best of your ability or do you send it out to a professional.

How much do you spend on gear to do this. Do you think it's less than it would cost to send out to a pro?




Yesterday i had the absolute pleasure of meeting Don Grossinger.

While we didn't have the chance to do more than just chat for a few minutes.. I found him to be warm and receptive. . and am proud to have made his aquaintence.


RMS level and maintaining odb


I was reading an article that said your final mix should be between -10rms and -15rms and be at about 0db (Sound on Sound Aug 03 issue).
How do you get your mix at at that level (RMS).
My mixes are at 0 db but my avg RMS is at -8. Would this not proove to be tiring for the listener over time?

I think Ihave asked another loaded question.