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Group delay x phase shift x phase rotation


Would someone on here clarify these items on an academic syntax?

Many people mix these two terms.

Oka, a sinusoidal voltage wave source connected to a load which is Z= R +/- jX will provide a sinusoidal curent wave delayed by a certain degree amount dependent of the reactive ( passive) element on the specified load.

funniest studio stories


I did a similar post on another forum.. It made some quite success and brought back to life some very funny stories.. Let us see what we pick on here.

1) An ex girlfriend of mine called me last year reporting she needed a serious mastering task for a cassete tape recording.
The girl was oka, she was a volunterr at the church, etc etc. very good human being.

Mastering for Vinyl


Hello All,
I posted a huge response to a topic entitled "optomizing for vinyl" a few days ago. So far there has been no response. I wonder what the level of interest there is in our forum for info on cutting to vinyl. I've been cutting for 20 years & just love to cut. It's so physical. Something where you can see the music. Although I also feel like a blacksmith sometimes.

build it and they will come


I'm new to mastering. I want to learn to build my own equipment ( parametric equalizers, limiters,c ompressors, etc.) I want to know if there any websites, magazines, books or societies that specialize in building cutting edge (experimental )mastering equipment. I'd like to build devices for myself that go beyond the specs of the established industry names .