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rambling gear Q


In my glorified project studio I have a handfull of comps, from an Alesis that I use to hold the door open to my prized RNCs, with a few older dbxen in between. My experience has led me to believe that this is good enough for tracking and mixdown for the stuff I do, but when it comes time to turn my mix into a demo CD I find myself coming up lacking about half the time.

newbie mastering question


O.K., I kinda have the hang of mixing (at leat I understand the principles of it) and I get pretty decent mixes. But now I need to learn how do mastering, but other than making my CDs louder and having that punch that commercial CDs have, I'm not even sure what I should be really be looking for, what I should be useing, the whole thing. Is there any online tutorials I should check out?

Reducing/smoothing digital clipping


i recorded a set on a MD and a slight digital clipping occured which sounds really clicky and sh*t. it mostly occurs when bassdrumm or bassline is kickin or some heavy mid range action. I checked the waveform and it looks like just plain square type clicking maybe thee is somekind of advanced declicking soft that smoothes these harsh square like clicks. anyone?

Trying to make a connection


I'm not sure but I think I've heard some things about this unit here, anyway, I was considering checking out the Entech 245.2 D/A converter box,however, it only works from a SPDIF or TOSLINK connection. So, I can’t quite figure out how to configure my system in finding the best way out of the box and into the Entech. My system is running at 96k from a MOTU 1296/Mac which only has AES dig.