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Need some professional ears to give a "Final Master" a listen.


I've been fighting for weeks to re-track this song with my band but they don't hear an issue... So I decided to post a 30 second clip of the track (uncompressed .wav straight from the mastering studio) It's 13mb in size.

I won't give away what I think is wrong with it to get the most unbiased opinion on this clip as possible.

SPL M/S Master


Here is a press release that I just published. I find it especially interesting and timely because I am really jacked up over OTB summing. Now this has just been released.

SPL introduces a new powerful analog tool that can manage M/S signal separation and integrate external processors seamlessly

Maybe some of you might want to chat about this here.

I have a question(s) within questions?


Ok here's the deal. As an experiment I am contemplating on buying a two track reel-to-reel system, to enhance the mastering of a 2 track mix. I keep seeing most of these units on craigzlist that are typically Tascam or some other decent brand (2-4) track reels, ranging in price from $500-800. Now can any of these models help mastering for a lo-fi home production?

Questions about track levels...


I am primarily a musician who has always been interested in the audio production side of things. My band recently recorded base tracks for what is to be our second album. A typical track on this project has drums, bass, piano, an acoustic guitar track, an electric rhythm track, a lead track (mostly guitar, keys on some songs/sections) and vocals (which haven't been recorded yet).