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Question About Mastering.. Yes I know


I know this should probably go in the home mastering section but it's not specifically about a technical aspect of mastering but more a general question about it. I put together some decent sounding home recordings using straight in vox gear for guitars, a decent Audio-Technica condenser mic for vocals and other instruments, and a lot of VSTs for drums and such.

Need a recommendation for a budget mastering package


Need something better than the supplied Logic Limiter. Now don't get me wrong, I find it acceptable and completely useable, just so long as the attenuation is less than 0. I want something that is going to help make my mixes louder while retaining a full frequency spectrum and without compressing the mix too much. And without that goddamn scratchy clipping or sudden volume dives.

interning for a ME... i disagree with him... shed some light.


I started interning in a studio where the head RE would sometimes also master. i have heard its a no no to master something you recorded but he prefers it and this is why. he says he is aware of what his mastering can do to a mix and so he mixes with the intent to *fix* things in mastering.

online mastering: any suggestion / positive feedback?


Hello. hope this is the right place to post this thread.

I have selfproduced (i.e. recorded and mixed) an album of ten tracks and want to have it mastered for both digital and physical distribution. (this is the second album, the first one - currently on iTunes under AWAL distribution - was mastered by myself, but this time i would like to have a professional service done).