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Trying to get a Commercial CD sound


Hello everyone, I am pretty new to the recording game and have been a musician for some time. I have a Mac G5, Digi002(PTLE), and a decent amount of VST, RTAS, and other plugins. I like to record ideas and projects @ home, the only problem I have is when I attempt to mix down and burn an idea to mp3 it sounds way too bottom heavy, or to soft, etc...

Sound quality of 1100 kbps WMA lossless vs 24/192 PCM ?


Hi to everyone,

I would appreciate your opinions in the issue of that high rate lossless wma sound. Is that comparable to a normal 24/192 pcm Wav?

Asking this only for curiosity. I am not familiar with that wma, but I am a little bit suspicios against the claims I happened to hear that they should be comparable.

how to edit an MP3 file and save it without re-econding it?


Hello. how can i edit a MP3 file (i use Sound Forge) without re-encoding it, but remaining in the MP3 format? This is a problem as when encoded, a few bits of silence appear at the beginning and at the end of the file, so that it cannot be looped. when i cut this silence out and try to re-save the file, then SF re-encode it and adds again the silence and so on... neverending story.