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Horch microphones?


While trying to track down some 30 year old Telefunken parts, I stumbled across a German pro audio site. In addition to the Neumann and Brauner mics, they also offered a brand I have never heard of here in the US - Horch. They only seem to offer one model the Horch RM2, and its priced up in Brauner territory - +/- $3grand or so. Anybody ever seen or heard one of these things?

Info on mics for a home studio on budget


I'm a drummer and I'm also planning to build my home studio. So, what you guys think about this set?
2 Marshall MXL 2001 (overheads, vocals...)
2 Marshall MXL 603S (hi-hats and snare)
and two opptions:
a CAD KitTrick with 4 mics (one for the bass drum)
or a Sennheiser E604 3 Pack and a AKG D112 or a Shure SM something-I-forgot :)?

Cheap mic solutions


Hi all. First off, this forum rocks, and I'm adding to my newbie knowledge with every thread I read.

I'm learning to use Cubase VST on my mac at home. I currently have a cheapo desktop mic that I'm using while I practice using vst instruments and some audio snippets to create loop based music.

[Whoops, somehow my post was truncated. I'll add my question below.]

big dollar mic purchase


Due to a long expected "reorganization" at Universal, I will become free of any need to set an alarm clock as of June 30. The good news is that after 6 years I qualify for a small "buyout" that should allow me to add to the gear collection. I have held off on purchasing a large diaphragm condensor because I did not want to settle for something less than what I really wanted.