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Altec "Birdcage" mic?

I have the opportunity to buy an Altec "Birdcage" ribbon mic for around $800. I really know nothing about this mic, other than the fact it looks incredibly cool. Looks a little like Darth Vader - about the size of a squared-off softball. My question is: does anyone know about this mic? Is it worth the price, or might I be better off spending a few bucks more and just get a Royer?

TO: Clint Stuart/MS Mic technique revisited?

TO: Clint Stuart

In an earlier post by Kgretlein, you offered some suggestions. I'm interested in trying this technique out front of a drum kit (recording session).

My question is; you mentioned multing the figure 8 mic so that you now have two channels of the figure 8 mic-a panned left & right signal. You mentioned changing the polarity of one of those signals.

Micing Tablas?

Hello again Ladies and Gentleman,

I get more use out of this site, thank you to evryone who answers, I really appreciate it.

Anyway on to the question of the day.

I have a session on saturday the 27th. The group is bringing in a tabla player. Does anyone have any idea how to mic tablas?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

overhead mics - Matched pair or not?

Hi there

I've got a question for all of you

Let's say (for example) that you have to record a drumkit and there are only 2 options for the overhead mics.

a) 2 cheap small condensators (identical)

b) 2 expensive large condensators... BUT...
They are not identical, cause one is the "tube-version" of the other... So they sound a bit different.


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