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Mixing Forum and Contests

I'm thinking about leasing an audio server for a dedicated mix forum.

We have enough members here that would support this. I would charge a monthly or yearly fee for those wanting to take part. On top of using it to share tracks for problem based learning (PBL), we could run mix contests every so often to really step it up. I know sponsors will support this.

Lame staff view function in Sonar X1

Hey guys!
I used Cackewalk and Sonar for some time. And I loved id for it's staff functionality ( midi scoring). But in SonarX it seems that they just cut 95% of it's editing functionality.
For example they had "1,2,3,4" for setting note length - now you need to go to each note and edit it's length.
Am I right or just can't find the right menu?

Pro Tools 10 fades = suck.

For anyone itching to upgrade, I implore you not to. I want to downgrade because of how awful the new fade system is in PT10. It has completely slowed down my workflow. Whenever you crossfade something you get a doubling effect. Its ridiculous. I can't figure out a way to get around it either. PT9 crossfades were beautiful and effortless. It practically did the work for you.

Questions about RAP vocals (PANNING, compression, etc..)

Hey, this is my first post so i apologize if i sound like a noob. I'm still pretty new to recording and have cheap equipment but am surprised at how i can get it to sound... SO FAR. I have limited access to a computer so i can only check replies every few days if that. Anyways, onto the quesitons.