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Looking for good Noise Redux Software, Tips on using it

Finishing an album, needing a little bit of Noise Redux on a few tracks, and it seems like when I use the software on the programs I have, I either dont get response or I feel like it compresses it rediculously. Someone help with new software suggestions and tips? Thanx-

Reason 4

Did anyone here try out the beta for Reason 4?

I've seen the article on Propellerheads website and it looks really nice, new synthesizer system, new sequencer, groove machine, and arpeggiator.

If anyone tried it, is it really worth the 400$(USD) or 500$(CAN) they sell it?

bass mixing idea

I didn't know where else to put this, so here goes...As Davedog and others may know, I've had issues with getting a decent bass sound on my tracks. Many reasons for this, won't re-hash them here. Anyway! Friend of mine suggests to me, since this bass player is all over the fret-board, low to mid to high and such, why not think of it like a keyboard? Take the bass track, make two copies.

mixing/bouncing question

Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a quick fix, but I keep running into this. My mixes sound pretty good when all is said and done...levels are great, not peaking, not too low. then i bounce and bring it into itunes, and the volume is significanlty lower than the avg. song. I've messed with limiting/compressing, but can't quite seem to get it right. Any suggestions? Thanks!