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Hi I have been using a stripped down skeleton of cubase(version LE). I was getting this terrible problem of the track sputtering while playing it back, so my first assumption was a letency issue. I adjusted the latency from a 10, to an 12,the 18, and from there a 25. I also have even toyed around, and adjusted my processor settings.

help with reason adapted...

ok this is such a newb question, but i am a noob so please forgive me lol.. I am trying to get some drum tracks from reason adapted into my pro tools le. well i pencil in the beats but i cant get audio for play back. i can hear the sample within reason, but thats it. I know you will need more info than this so just let me know.. Thanks in advance.

Real Reverb..or you can call it natural reverb

HEy guys...well this reverb thing may not be new i guess you guys pretty much know about this. well i just did it last night... i just recorded one of my vocal in a stares exit ares in a building it was half metal and half concrete kinna thing and the reverb was long pretty much around 2.5 s i guess..