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Mixing two coloratur sopranos

I'm new to the recording art. I've been recording a coloratur soprano that doesn't use much vibrato. I recorded two voices for a duet with the same soprano. At times she would get her voice to be more resonant (a characteristic of coloratur sopranos I guess). When that happens within a voice that is part of a duet I would get weird intermodulation with the other voice.

Another 'what to buy' question

OK, this may sound like the same question asked a million times, but I would appreciate the advice.

I'm getting OK recordings but I know am being let down by preamps. I am about to sink either £1250 or £2500 into the studio and have the following choices.

First my current signal path.

D112, C4s, K2, MD421, HM-1, e609, 57/58 std/beta, ATM4033

Problems with Proteus X

I recently purchased the EMU Proteus X which came with the 0404
card...sounds great and everything...but audio cuts off (stops) when
doing various things like typing in another application...I first
noticed it when moving objects around the page in image editing and
layout software (Photoshop and InDesign...I am a graphic designer)...

Selling M-Audio BX5's

I want to sell my M-Audio BX5's to my friend, but I'm not sure how much to charge. The left tweeter crackles every now and then and I'm not sure if they still fall under the warranty since they're almost two years old. Other than a small crackling every now and then they're clean and in good working order. I would also throw in a Hosa split cable. So how much do you guys think?

when and why to use D112 vs beta 52

Hi all

I've just received a Shure beta52 (as a present :)
I already have the AKG d112.

I'm looking for pointers as to when (and why) to use one above the other

To me it seems the 52 is only for bass (kick & guitar)
The D112 seems also useable on tuba, trombone

Hope someone can give me some insight on this
