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(Everybody) How did u solve the "New Studio" promo

Hows everyting all? Im at that point wit my studio that I have built up a decant studio. Have gotten a slight name on the streets. How have yall promoted yall studiosand solved the "new studio" dilemma? I did 3 mixtapes basically for free for 3 different artists. Then a mixtape for my studio featuring me and my boyz rapping, gave it away for free with the studio name and contact.

TEAC 80-8 1/2" - should I buy?

I have a friend who is looking to unload this old 1/2 " Teac r2r, 8 channel tape machine for $700.
said it works great but one channel has a little "noise". comes with 8 channels of dbx noise reduction as well, though, not sure if this is built in or outboard. i dont konw much at all...but i defintely would love some good ol tape in my digital studio.

Broadband compresson following multi-band compression(?)

wasssup folks.

I've just started usin the Waves C4 multi-band compressor again, a lil... mainly on vocalz
would 1 also put a regular(broadband) compressor after that or is it enuff 4 just the multi-band(C4) alone?

I record hip hop . And this is, I guess a general question during mixing; or use with/after using multi-band compression.

would this b necessary?


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