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Spacing and Panning Omni Main Pair

Having used ORTF cardioids as my main pair for a couple of years, I would like to try omni microphones in a spaced A-B pair configuration. I’m hoping to get a fuller sound. The chamber ensemble I record gives concerts where the size of the ensemble varies from piece to piece – from trios on up to baroque orchestras of a dozen or so musicians – all on the same concert.

speech voice

What would you do for a voice which is actually a speech for a video, its just a voice, what would you do to it to make it sound as good as possible, I know this is very simple, just want to know different opinions. In my case, Id EQ and compress. how about you?


I was wondering that if you have a very good plugins bundle with great EQ's, Compressors, Reverbs, etc. Why woild you have the same as outboard gear. This question might seem stupid to some of you, Im just a newbie.

Woudnt it be enough with the plugins, if not, what would be the difference between these? Do they both have different uses?



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