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Metronome in Magix

My band does a lot of time changes in songs (IE: 120BPM changing to 200BPM) and I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the metronome in Magix Music Studio 2004. In Cubase SX there's a thing called a "Tempo track" where you can physically look at a graph that shows how fast the metronome will go and you can slow it down or speed it up at certain points. Does Magix have something like that?

Logic or Cubase?

Hi all, I'm in a band and I'm mixing our current demo on Logic Platinum 5.5.1 on our PC. We've got an EMU 0404 soundcard also, but most of the time I tell people I'm workin on Logic, they question why?

I jst wanted to ask, what do you think is better to work on if we're only workin with Audio? Logic or Cubase SX? I have both but I prefer working with Logic.

What to buy next?

I wanted to make another purchase. but don't know what to are my ideas:

-2 Channel compressor (ART Pro VLA or dbx 166xl)


-A new vocal mic because I'm using an Oktava MK319

I want to stay at a decent price (under $400) but I figured I'd post here instead off budget gear because I know you can get "pro" quality stuff in this price range.


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