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Im a new user with Wavelab 4, and I'm having problems when saving my .wavs..None of the VST effects i added to them, are there.. IT just plays the orginal recorded sample, w/ out the effects HOW CAN I SAVE .WAVS WITH EFFECTS? Is there something in the system config. i have to alter? Pleassse help anyone, who knows about this

Apogee Mini-Me build quality

Is it just me or is the Mini-Me built like cheap crap?

I've been using mine a lot over the past three months, and now the gain knobs are crackly, and the monitor knob is beginning to act up as well. The cheap silver paint on the body should have been an indicator, but I never expected this.

I really like the Mini-Me, but this is ridiculous.

bitrates and sampling rates

I understand the theory behind bitrates and sampling rates, and I understand that they are correlated to resolution... but what are the benefits/downfalls from using higher/lower bitrates and sampling rates? In certain applications is it better to lower/raise them, or is it just always go for the highest number? Is it just to make smaller files?

need reason and Pro Tools help

I'm running reason into Pro Tools via rewire and record all my midi tracks that way. After I've recorded the notes I want to go back in and ad automation on a filter in reason. I've tried automating it in reason, but I can't think of anything that will work. Can I go back in and automate an effect in reason after I've recorded the midi track into Pro Tools?


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