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Marshall MXL 2003

I own a pair of Marshall MXL 2003s. I've found them to be satisfactory for recording acoustic instruments and vocals, but I'm also interested in evaluations from those who have used these mics side by side with name brand large diaphrams like AKG C414s or Neumanns. On vocalists with higher pitched voices, the sibilance is quite noticable.

Neutral mixing headphones?

Can you suggest me a good neutral mixing headphones in the 100$ range? Or do you think it'll really worth it to save up more to get something in the 200$ range (beyerdyn 990pro) instead of something in the 100$ (seinh HD280)

My monitors are Yamaha MSP5, they are ok, but I want a second reference, especially for the bass frequencies the msp5 aren'nt the greatest ...