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It's Here!

My new VMP 1000e VU just arrived. I haven't compared side by side, but it seems that the 1000e has the capability to be a bit more colored than my 2000e. 8-) Just for fun, I tried the 1000e in front of my Marshall stack and HOLY SMOKES! I now have a new weapon in my guitar arsenal!:twisted: Sebatron also gave me a good deal on a THORAX, I can't wait til it gets here!


I got the Control 16 from a friend, and I would really like to check it out, I hear it remains one of the best sounding options for home use...what else do I need...t? there is software, a PCI card and an interface, right?
please help, I want to buy this on Ebay but I don't know what I am buying..

clicking on cut wavs. in cubase

I have edit a trum track to allow only the drum hit to come through. similar to gating but more natural sounding. I am getting these clicks where I cut the tracks.

A slight fade in and out on each edit seems to fix the problem. but Man that takes a long time.

Is there anyway to do this automatically in cubase? Or has some one discovered a better way to chop up the files?


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