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Hi I'm wondering what your opinons are on the ART Tube MP preamp which i plan to purchase for my home studio?

I only need one channel... and will be going through my delta 1010lt soundcard... would the ART Tube MP be effective?

What are other preamps that are of great quality and have 2 channels at max?

Sound Workshop 1600

I am currently restoring a Sound Workshop 1600 console for
my home studio. Anyone with any info on these would be a
big help. We have started a page of pics for the project. This
console has laid around my barn for 6 years. It's been very
hard to find any info on. Any help would be appreciated.

(Dead Link Removed)

Pro Tools - Playlist Grouping problem

When I create a group, I'm able to change the playlists of all the tracks at once. But, as soon as I process one of them, I lose this capability. ie: My tracks are Kick, Snare and Over Head. Changing from playlist Kick.01 to Kick.02, will change Snare.01 to Sanre.02 and OH.01 to OH.02. When I invert the kick's phase (audiosuite), I cannot change the whole group playlists anymore.

Pro Tools + altiverb

so i am running PT Le 6.3 with a digi 002 rack, and i just got altiverb installed (i haven't paid for it, i'm demoing it first, thus i can't ask them).

when i open it with no impulse responses in the impulse response file, it opens and does nothing. when i put folders full of IRs, it crashes Pro Tools as soon as i try to use it as an insert.

