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How many are Dyslexic?

Just out of general interest I would like to know how many sound engineers and producers out there are dyslexic or dyspraxic or closely related?

At my college it seems an odd amount of the students on the sound related subjects are dyslexic! SO it is just interesting to see. I have a feeling more will e then won't but lets see...


Anyone using this here and to what extent? I'm getting ready to put my 3 DAWS online, and was wondering how it's working out for anyone using it. I'd really like to use one DAW for VS instruments and dedicate one to tracking. The setup seems easy enough. I'll probably yse the S/PDIF on both machines.



Does anyone know where to get the best deal on the TC VOICE PRISM PLUS ?
I was playing around with one at the NAMM ( Not Available Maybe in May ) show. I LOVE that voice modeler. I know it's available as a plugin , but I want it as a stand-alone rack unit which is known as the voice prisI'm plus

Drawmer M500

Does anyone have any experience with one of these? I recently picked one up and am amazed at the difference between it and the Behringercomp I've been using! At first, I wasn't sure it was on when I was going through the presets! :tu: I'm sure I'll be using it on everything I can for awhile, but where does this unit really shine? Any apps where you would reach for the M500 first?

Neve *CHEAP*

I'm not sure if this console would be very applicable in the studio setting, but it seems extremely cheap ($5200) for 24 channels of Neve preamps, EQs, and Compressors. I don't know which model preamps it has (broadcast console) and since I don't have the cash to buy it, I don't feel the need ot look into it further. Just thought one of you may be interested.


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