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Hardware/Software Question

Hello all. I am planning on buying the MOTU 828mkII to use in conjucntion w/my Power Mac G4. I've been researching what platform to run it on. What do all of you veterans think of emagic's Logic 5 Platinum? I was considering going with the Pro Tools LE 002. After doing some research on this I found you could get the same Pro Tools software with lesser Pro Tools hardware for dirt cheap.

Crossroads: MOTU with Logic or Pro Tools LE 002 with ProT

Hello fellow studio junkies. I am at a crossroads. I have decided to go Mac like most of you big boys out there.
Now the question is MOTU 828 via Logic 5 Platinum
or the Pro Tools LE 002 via Pro Tools (I think it comes with entry level)?
RecorderMan made a point about setting myself up for the future by going Logic since Mac now owns it.