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UAD Cambridge EQ

I just bit the bullet and bought this plugin for my UAD card, and so far, I think I am in love! I am still trying to get my brain around all the ins and outs of it, but it looks like it is a really fine piece of work. I guess it is supposed to be an Oxford clone, but for the price (US$149), I don't see how that is possible.


Just wondering which encoders you guys use for making mp3:s. And what rate do you think sounds good enough? And what's an acceptable filesize for a 3-4 minute tune? I need to send mp3:s to labels all the time and when they sound good enough the file is too big and vice versa. Are there differences in encoders? Different formats?

UAD-1 and Emagic Logic


I had a friend 'master' a track of mine with the UAD-1. Although my mix was a bit weak, the results were. well let's say I want one :)

I've heard that using them on individual tracks is not working very well in Logic audio...bigtime latency. Anyone using this effectively? Should I just switch to nuendo now? I'd love to strap the 1176 on some drums. .


I've used both software & hardware versions. Personally I like the one that's incorperated within my TC Helicon VoicePrism. I've also tried the stand-alone plugin version (Orange Vocoder by spectrasonic for Steinberg). Opinionsto what you may feel is a good vocoder reguardless of platform would be appreciated.


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