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Panning and Psychoacoustics

I was thinking today about stereo--- and a paper that i wrote a while back.

If i was listning to a single point source, and i moved to the left or right of it, not only would there be an amplitude difference, but there would be a time difference as well. So if a source was to the right of me, my left ear would recieve the information slightly later then the right ear.

Using Waves PAZ Plug to Set Room?

Hey Guys,

I just had an sudden brainstorm and I'm looking for opinions as to whether or not it will work.

If I were to obtain a pink noise generator, or a recording of pink noise (if there is such a thing), I'm thinking I could use this in conjunction with the PAZ plug to set my control room acoustics to a flat frequency response.

Here's my proposed approach:

I'm Back!

Hi everyone. Sorry for the extended absence but my studio has been booked beyond belief for the past 2 months. Since Labor day we have tracked over 40 full production songs, and edited and mixed a full length 40+ track meditation on the Holy Rosary, All I have is 20 mixes left to do by mid January.

Oh boy. But at least the studio is all mine for the next 3 weeks,