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Hi? I have a ? I'm tryin to get my final mix the volume of commercial CD's. Becuase all my tracks seem to be low compared to them. I'm using wavelab and I would like to know how I could get them louder but without distorting. Thx

Mixer Levels

I have a question, I've taken you guys advice on gettin clear vocals in Nuendo and I think I have gotten them how I want them. THX, my new ? is In the Nuendo mixer while tracking vocals. I want to be able to have the sliders move up and down automatically during the song to level the vocals and keep them all in green. How do I do this? Do I have to do it step by step to get it just perfect?

I need a manager

ok ok ... I've finally reached the point where I have to admit I need a manager . Jules . you've been there haven't you ? ... I suck at discussing good contracts for myself . I give in WAY to easy . . so any advice or tips or been there done that's on personal manager things are more then welcome . .