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How do i keep the neighbours pleased?

Really this is a big problem. Where i rent now I can hear pretty much everything that goes on on the floor above me, so I'm sure the people below me can hear me too. That has a big impact on me, I can't just let go and sing, experiment etc, so I just hold back when singing. I'm a terrible singer but I feel the need to experiment a bit anyways. What do I do. Any ideas?

Funny coincidence...double booked with Remy

So...something kinda funny happened tonight.

Remy and I actually got double booked to record the same ensemble. It was an odd mixup - the conductor forgot to mention the dates to Remy so he didn't think she'd show up and I had just talked to him a few days ago and asked if I could record so he said sure.

VIs that output in stereo, when mono is preferred?

Hi all,

The kind of VIs that I'm referring to are the array of plugins like Stylus RMX or NI's Guitar Rig that all output their effected signals as stereo. But what if, for example, one was recording a bass part with Guitar Rig where perhaps a final mono signal of such a take would be preferred to be finally printed to tape?