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Multiple audio outputs of live backing track with video

I need to be flexible in my live show setup, so that I can have different mixes for various shows. So I'm thinking a piece of gear with multiple outputs like a digital mulitracker or ADAT would be cool.Some shows will need a full mix, others will need guitar, bass or drums muted, so that I can occasionally have a live guitarist, bassist, drumer, etc. I need to be flexible in my line-up.

Hook Up

I was Just hooking up my Spx 90 and My Roland SRV 3030 to my Mackie 1642 VLZ Pro and I was just wondering

On the console face I have to Aux sends but on the channels I hace 4 Aux
buses.. On the Back I have 4 sends and 4 Returns L and R for each

Why is it that I only have 2 send controls when I have 4 sends and returns...


Im looking into putting togeather my own small studio.(help)

Alright ive been recording for about a year now but i use my dads tape deck set up. I would like to swicth to digital recording just on my computer. And i almost want to start like my own small studio. i dont really want to spend more than 800$. So what will be best for me to get I need at least 8 tracks that can be recorded at once. I was looking into the firepod.

What are your "Go To" reference tracks?

It's been on my mind a lot lately that I just don't take advantage of reference material often enough. My mixes are suffering for it too. So I've decided to stockpile a couple of representative tracks across several styles that should serve as fool-proof comparision and ref. mixes when working on projects.

The MOTU 828mk11 multi ch, which driver

In the manual for the 828 it says
"If your host audio software does not support WDM drivers,
enable wave driver compatibility in the MOTU audio WDM driver
so that all of the 828mk11's inputs and outputs show up in your software."

What it means is to enable the (MME) drivers which are less efficiant and
it even states it.