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Audio card INPUTS : Which is better? 1/4" TRS and TS or SPDIF (coax digital)

Which do you think is better for audio card INPUTS (not outputs):

1/4" TRS and TS
SPDIF (coax digital)

1. The balanced input jack on the audio card is rated at being 104 to around 107 dBA SNR.

2. We all know the SPDIF input is basically digital 1's and 0's.

Why? Why not?

So tired of Windows... And Apple OS has suffered a decline...

Why hasn't a company come out with a DAW that IS the OS?

Wouldn't that be fantastic?

I use my computer for one thing and one thing only... Make awesome music. No net, email or anything else.

It bugs me that there is so much extra unused stuff on the thing that is just taking up space.

Chilton M10/2 Mk6

Hello all, I've just stumbled across this forum after some searching for info on this console.

I'm looking for ANY information that you may have, but schematics and manuals would be amazing! There seems to be very little out there, especially for the M range.

Im sure I'm not the only one, so anything I find will be shared.

Thanks in advance.


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