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Cheap DJ turntable for scribbling?

Alright, I've been looking at little DJ-type setups. Not really a turntable, as I have no records, but there are a few systems that you can import tracks to from a CD and there are knobs that look similar to records that make the scribbling sound, rewind, fastforward, and what have you. I don't know what I'm doing, really what I'm looking at are more toys than anything.

Which iMac to get?

I'm setting up a composing/recording setup for home. It'll be built around Digital Performer or the new Logic when it comes out, and I'll be using a lot of virtual instruments. I can get a good deal on slightly used core duo 2.16 imacs now ($1k for a 20" or $1300 for a 24") or I'm wondering if I should wait for the new generation that will be out in a few months.

advise on career path

Hello--I have a question for those of you that are working (or have worked) in the larger facilities that hire interns. I have a nephew that seems to have a natural aptitude for engineering (his mixes blow mine away, and he hasn’t been at it as long). He also genuinely enjoys it, so I would like to see him with a career in the field.

speakers too close to my laptop for recording.

I just bought a toshiba laptop and I'm using it for recording. My question is that I currently have my monitors about 6-8 inches away from my laptop. The reason for this is simply space on my desk. I know that around a pc monitor its bad, and more than likely the hardware in my comp. But will it react differnt to lCD screens. Should I not continue with what I'm doing?