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MOTU 828mkII, Cubase 1.03, can't monitor plugins?

I just upgraded from a Mobile Pre, and I have used Delta a few years old, and have never had a problem with this before. I can't monitor the plugins anymore. They are there during playback, but where are they whe I record. I looked in both manuals and I can't find anything... I am wondering if I have forgot to set something, or something I (obviously) don't know about?

Trident s20 - Lovers? Haters?

Hey guys. Little home studio question. I'm running with Cubase SX on a PC, with a PreSonus Firepod, a couple xml 603s condensor mics for acoustic guitar, and a Shure ksm27 for vocals. I'm in the market for a two channel (or two one channel) preamp. I was originally thinking to buy two single channel PreSonus Eurekas, but a few people have been steering me towards the two channel Trident s20.

choose between Soundtracs Topaz 32 vs. . soundcraft ghost

Please forgive my english cause' it might sound totally broken.
Apparently, i'm a music producer in thailand(not a successful one though) who wants to buy a used analog console and now i found myself standing in between the ghost and Topaz 32, they're both the same price about 3,000$ and pretty same conditions I think.
which one should I buy?

Audio CD compressed or not?

I have been searchin the net over this doubt for a long time noow without much success. I would like to know if the audio in the Audio CD is compressed or Uncompressed.. Since the calculations regarding the contevt reveal different numbers thsn those known popularly
Following is the explaination that I have found out -


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