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why does the effect sound different

i am using amplitube le as a plugin for Cubase le, and i set the effects the way i want it. after i press the record button, and play it back, the audio sounds deeper and not as bright. is the effect being recorded properly? i know that in order to hear the effect i have to press the monitor button, and in order to playback the audio i have to depress the monitor button. help please!

Should my Mackie 1202 be collecting dust?

Since acquiring the MOTU 896HD, my Mackie 1202 sits in a closet, as the 896 handles all my input needs. But, I just read a great article in the latest EM mag, that talks about routing track outputs back thru analog gear and effects then to new tracks or as sidechains, etc. for some really cool results.

Anyone own any high-end Channel Strips &/or Preamps

I'm looking into some new gear in my quest to get that full, bright, balanced, "expensive studio" sound. Mainly I record instrumental stuff: keyboards, sampled drums from my MPC-4000, direct bass, and miked guitar. I never record more than 2 tracks at a time. There's so many choices as far as preamps, channel strips, EQ and compressors, it's really hard to choose what to buy.